Saturday 2 February 2013

Week 2

Knowledge Review 2 - Supervising Certified Divers.

Only Jason and myself tonight, Dan called off sick.

All satisfactory completed with Course Director David Fitzsimmonds.

Pool Session - KH8 Coventry

Started this week with logistics, unloading the kit to setting up kit for 3 new students on Dive One on the OW Course.

After this there was a junior fun diver that we had to supervise as well as completing all relevant Dive One skills.

The skills demonstrated today were
  • Breathing from Regulator (for the first time)
  • Partial mask clearing
  • Recover and clear regulator using the 2 methods (blast and purge)
  • Responding to "Out of Air" system including alternate air use from buddy
  • SORTED Decent
  • STELA Ascent
A few things to work on but on the whole a very good productive session.

Next time .... Knowledge Review 3 Assisting with Students and more than likely Dive Two skills.

A reminder to check out my website for more diving information

Cheerio !!!


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