Sunday 17 February 2013

Thanking Twitter

Well this weekend I was Surface Cover at Stoney Cove, and on the whole it went well - with one exception.

A diver on their Deep Adventure Dive part of the Advanced Open Water course bolted to the surface from about 22m after panicking on a free flow. Luckily a well trained Rescue Diver was with the diver at the time and successfully brought him to the quayside where I was positioned to get the diver out and de kitted. The diver was conscious and breathing .... and talking so that was a good sign.

We ended up at the base camp where emergency o2 was provided to the diver. The diver recovered all most straight away.

Luckily for me I follow

Divers Alert Network


on Twitter and they recently tweeted about dive emergencies. That prompted me to refresh myself with Dive Emergency procedures and emergency o2 administration.

So if you have a twitter account here are a few twitter accounts you can follow

@Dan_America (Divers Alert Network)
@DivingMDC (Midland Dive Chamber)
@DiversEmergency (DES-UK)

and of course you can follow me @robmayor77


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