Monday 18 March 2013

DM course continues

Back to the DM course later this week ... at Stoney in the bloody cold !!!

Lets hope is doesn't snow like it did this past week (at least I wasn't there this week - some think I chickened out)

What will I be doing this week I hear you ask .... well its a bit of

  • Workshop A - Dive site briefing and orientation.
  • Workshop B - Dive site set up and Management
  • Workshop 4 - Discover Scuba Diving in Open Water (dive 1)
  • Workshop 5 - Discover Local Diving in Open Water
All sounds interesting !!!

Will blog all about it next week !!!

until then keep diving safe !!!

Saturday 2 March 2013

Skills ..... Skills and more Skills !!!!

Knowledge Review 3 complete today (2/3/13)

Knowledge Review 4 next time ... Date TBC

Pool Session

It was time for skills again today this time at Stratford Leisure Centre.

It was Dive One skills again ... but this time we were signed off with scores of 4/5's

The skills today were

Kit assembly
Kitting up
Buddy checks
Deep water entry
Partial Mask clear
Recover and clear regulator using both methods
Out of Air alternate air source use

All complete successfully !!!

Roll on next time !!!